Blog — joy

The Power Of Positive Words

Posted by Receive Joy on

God created us and we are the co-creators of our lives. We can decide to think, speak and act positively and thus create love, joy, gratitude, hope, compassion, mercy, praise, and much more positivity–or we can choose to create the lack thereof. This is why it is important to think and SPEAK positive!

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Be A Cheerful Giver

Posted by Receive Joy on

God loves a cheerful giver. God loves when we show appreciation for humanity by sharing with and tak­ing care of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us give cheerfully from our hearts and know that what we sow comes back to us. The biggest contribution we can give to ourselves and others is love.

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The Power Of Giving And Receiving

Posted by Receive Joy on

ln accordance with the strongest law in the universe, the Law of Attraction, the more one gives in joy, the more one receives. Giving and receiving share the same vibrational field as does flow and allow. Human nature is made to receive and give. To begin to receive, the suggestion has been made to increase our giving. In order to receive more, let us give more. The most well known verse of the Bible is John 3:16, where it is shown that God gave us the greatest gift: His son. The amount we have to give is of little concern;...

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