Blog — positive thinking

The Power Of The Universe

Posted by Receive Joy on

After 30 years of studying the Power of the Quantum World, the Power of the human mind, and their combined ability to tap into collective consciousness, I knew that it was time to share on a larger scale how to utilize Divine Power. With our light and easy Nine Step Method, everyone can call on the full, ever expanding, powerful, perfect abundance of God’s divine delivery system. As with gravity, whether we believe it exists or we lack the belief in this universal principle, it constantly works. With every thought we think we attract and with every word we speak we...

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10-Star Experience

Posted by Receive Joy on

Let us make every experience a 10-Star Experience. What will it take to make each experience in our day a 10-Star Experience? Let us set parameters and define what it will take to make an experi­ence even more fun. Let us grab our journals and write down five to 10 ideas to raise the bar of fun and consciously bring more joy into our daily routines. I love grocery shopping even more when: I bring my shopping list I bring a friend I bring my reusable bags I bring my reusable bags I bring a jacket (when it is cold...

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The Power Of Journaling

Posted by Receive Joy on

Journaling enhances our conscious creating power. In order to advance our lives, let us write into the solution. First, we journal our goals, then we keep score by journaling our achievements. Whenever we have received answers to our prayers, we write them down to have a fantastic record of all we have gained. This helps us build our confidence and develops our creative muscle. Let us use the time in the evening before we go to bed to reflect on our day and recall everything we did or people we met who brought us closer to our goals. This serves...

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The Power Of Positive Words

Posted by Receive Joy on

God created us and we are the co-creators of our lives. We can decide to think, speak and act positively and thus create love, joy, gratitude, hope, compassion, mercy, praise, and much more positivity–or we can choose to create the lack thereof. This is why it is important to think and SPEAK positive!

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Be A Cheerful Giver

Posted by Receive Joy on

God loves a cheerful giver. God loves when we show appreciation for humanity by sharing with and tak­ing care of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us give cheerfully from our hearts and know that what we sow comes back to us. The biggest contribution we can give to ourselves and others is love.

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